Monday, May 31, 2010

I Miss Them...

While I was tidying up my room, I looked back at all those birthday cards or letters I received from friends every year. I kept all of them as a collection because they are my treasure. I still remember very clearly how my room mates celebrated for me last year. They pasted birthday wishes on the board beside my bed and had a surprise steamboat party in the room. Miss those days when I was with them...

When the semester was coming to an end, we thought we couldn't stay together anymore, we were sad. The last night before we left the hostel, we talked the whole night without sleeping. We just couldn't stop sharing. One of my room mates even cried. I was sad too.

Then the good news came. We get to remain in the same room for the second year. We were very happy! But our relationship wasn't as close as when we were in 1st year. Perhaps all of us were busy with our own activities. We got further apart. A wall started to build between us. I felt upset quite a number of times because of them. I didn't know how they feel and I didn't know how to tell them how I feel.

I'm still keeping the letter she wrote to me last year . It goes like this...

生病了,就要好好休息,不要再吃巧克力的食物。 三餐都要吃。 不要给我发现到你没吃,不然,你会很够力的咯。。。
相信你可以的,因为你在我们的心目中是最好的。 就算天塌下来,也有我们帮你撑着。。。
这边有瓶 100 plus. Hope you have 100+ de energy for ur exam. Actually, 这是因为你生病才给你喝的,不是因为你考试才给你喝的。 记得喝咯。不要再吃饼干了。就算是下午茶也不可以。
PS: 我没有你 course-mate 这么好,只有一瓶水而已。。。希望你别介意拉。。。"

She knew I didn't know how to read chinese well, so she wrote pin yin under the chinese words for me. Although it's a simple letter, but it's filled with care and love. It's my fault that I couldn't maintain our friendship well. I'm really sad...

I miss them...

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