Friday, December 31, 2010

Is Time To Ask Yourself

What’s your purpose of living in this world? When you’ve found the answer, then set your resolution towards this direction.

I’ve been living for the past 22 years moderately satisfactorily. Even if now I were to leave this world, I would have no regrets. But there are still many things which I haven’t achieved or done. When I see some of my friends’ life experiences, I really admire them. This admiration spurs me to start changing my life.

I believe behind every great achievement, there must be hard work, rough paths and obstacles to overcome. If you can get over it, then you’re a few steps closer to your dreams.

I’m still in the midst of searching my purpose in life because it’s not constant. It’s harder when you have self-conflict within yourself. It’s like you need to give up something when you want the other thing but both are equally important to you. But I think a great person can achieve both at the same time. This is what makes them unique and great.

1 comment:

Sicreci said...

+I couldn't agree more, feel the same here.