Monday, May 7, 2012

Duration is not a matter anymore

An apology doesn’t mean that the person who apologized was wrong. It just means that the person who apologized wants to stop the misunderstanding from continuing. That person wants to save the relationship/friendship between the parties involved because that person cares for the other person. However, sometimes when a continuous effort has been put up by one side of the party to maintain the relationship/friendship without getting a positive feedback from the other side of the party, that person would definitely be disappointed. And when the effort being made was being returned by harsh words or treatments, it would certainly saddened that person. As a result, it might lead to that person to stop putting up efforts on the other person anymore. Eventually, if the other party doesn’t show any effort to save this situation, that person would just remain to give silent treatment to the other party.

P/S: My silent treatment mode to you is turned on now.

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