Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Business Ethics

9 more hours to my 4th paper and here I am writing this post to recap what I’ve learnt so that I can put to good use later in exam.

Relativism: No ethical standards that are absolutely true that apply to all situations.

Absolutism: There is one set of unchanging moral rights that will hold true in all situations.

Descriptive Relativism: Accepts that different cultures have different standards.

Normative Relativism: Accepts that people have different opinion to justify their act.

Egoism: An action is morally right if it promotes self interest.

Utilitarianism: People should act in ways that produce the most happiness to the greatest number of people affected by our actions.

Principle of Duty: An obligation that an individual needs to fulfil as a result of his/her role in the society.

Principle of Right: Human beings have rights that ought to be respected.

Universalism: An action is ethical if people are willing to accept it as a universal conduct.

Principle of Ends: An act that treats human beings as end and never as mean.

Principle of Autonomy: Human beings have the freedom to make decision without being influenced by others.

Principle of Equal Liberty: Everyone has an equal right to be treated equally.

Principle of Fair Equality of Opportunity: Everyone has equal chance to improve his/her position in the society.

Principle of Difference: People should seek to serve the least advantage people to the greatest benefit.


There are so much more theories!!! At this point of time, I’m lazy to continue anymore. Does studying all these ethical theories really cultivate ethical behaviour?



Examination is to satisfy the requirement of the society to prove that students meet the standards before being released to the working life.

1 comment:

QuilL~ said...

dont stess ya~~~ add oil for ethic 2moro.. heheheh~