Thursday, August 2, 2012


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders

In recent times this term has been used to describe a range of psychological symptoms people may experience following an extremely traumatic event that involved physical or mental harm or the threat of such. PTSD sufferers may startle easily, be irritable, become emotionally numb, lose interest in things they once enjoyed, and have trouble feeling affection for others – especially those with whom they used to be close. Some become aggressive, even violent, and tend to avoid situations or people that remind them of the original traumatic incident.

Source: National Institute of Mental Health of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


hwei said...

Why why!

Stefienoki said...

Haha. Just came across this article and felt a bit similar to my situation when reading it. For the past whole week, I got angry easily and so I thought it might be caused by this. On a second thought, maybe it was because of pms. Lols.