Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Moment Like This

Have you ever been through the moment when you have emotional breakdown? When you feel like disappearing from this world. Even to the extent of dying, you just want to disconnect yourself from earthly things. I do experience this moment. It does not happen just once in a lifetime. I think it happens several times in a person’s lifetime.

I think I understand why some people chose to commit suicide. It was at that moment of time that the person could not bear with the emotional breakdown they had with them. Their perseverance and rationale could not win over the emotional breakdown. It was beyond their limit to bear with it that they chose to commit suicide.

I personally feel sorry for them for not being tough enough to go through those moments. And I have had these moments too. But I did not choose to give up my life no matter how difficult my life is. Partly is because I don’t have the courage to do so and partly is because my rationale still won over my emotional breakdown.

I’m someone who is easily being emotionally attached to people especially friends. I’m very sensitive towards every words being uttered by them and every actions being done by them. But this is only applicable to those who really mean something to me. And I think this is my biggest weakness in friendship because eventually, I’m only hurting myself.


Sicreci said...

You're not hurting urself if they r true friends, n it needs courage to live more than to die.

Stefienoki said...

Like you said, if they are true friends. but how do you define true friends? i no longer understand the meaning of true friends.

Sicreci said...

yea rite? me too, it annoys me when they take me for granted.