Saturday, July 31, 2010

I'm now back to Malacca and I just met up with my best friend for drinks just now. For the past few days, I have not been blogging partly because I was busy and partly because I have no idea on what to blog about.

Love is always around everyone, everyday. It cannot be destroyed and it won't disappear. People always say 戏如人生,人生如戏. It's true. Sometimes you might think that the drama or movie that you watch is not realistic. But in fact, it just happens in life on someone, somewhere.

Aiks... Suddenly my blogging idea got erased from the memory. Now I don't know how to continue anymore. Anyway, don't get me wrong. I'm not emo. I just want to share what's in my mind with you. That's all for now. I'm off to sleep!

1 comment:

Sicreci said...

+I love the second part!